We thank God for His amazing Grace that carries us through each day. We are thankful for what He has done in the past and for His glory, we look forward to what lies ahead!

-Philippians 3:13

The first of three INVASIONS was held in Aguascalientes, where we ministered to 3,889 people and saw 2,798 salvation decisions for Christ! GLORY TO GOD! The churches are excited and are following up with these new believers! PTL!!! Many young people won their first soul for the Lord and we even had one sister 80 years old actively sharing her faith!

At every INVASION, the first night focuses on the lost and asking God to give us a burden for the unsaved in their city. The second night, we teach on the Power of Evangelism that is the same power that the disciples received in the book of Acts. The Holy Spirit was poured out and the church was born to bring God’s Kingdom to this earth. That same power is to be demonstrated in the earth through the body of Christ. On Wednesday, we declare the Great Commission over each church member to go and preach the Gospel with signs and wonders. There were 40 testimonies that were shared at the Saturday Celebration service!

There was an elderly man who was deaf in one ear. He had gone to the doctors, he had tried natural remedies and he even went to a witch doctor! After one of the church team members from the INVASION prayed for him, his ear opened up! He was so thankful that he dedicated his life to the Lord Jesus who healed him!

At another ministry site, one of the church members received a word of knowledge as she was ministering to two women. The word for them was, “Go forward with your business and it will be a success”. The two women shared that they were on their way to ask a physic-witch what to do. Then they realized God is real and they could seek Him for answers. They gave their lives to the Lord right there!

A drunk man came to one of the ministry sites. He received the Lord and the team prayed over him and gave him a Gospel of John with the address to the church. That evening when the team met at the church, that same man came and shared that he was completely free from alcohol!

At another site, a grandma came up and testified that her granddaughter had not spoken a word since her mother had passed away the month before. At the altar call, the little girl ran to the front and asked Jesus into her life. This was the first time that she had spoken in a month! Her grandmother just cried.

In Tepic, we ministered and witnessed 5,374 people and saw 3,548 salvations!!! Glory to God in the highest!!! We thank you for all your prayers, help and blessings! The Lord also heard our prayers with the weather, as each day rain threatened to stop the outreaches. We have one final INVASION in Durango, August 7-12. We will share the results from that one in our next newsletter.

There was an elderly man who was deaf in one ear. He had gone to the doctors, he had tried natural remedies and he even went to a witch doctor! After one of the church team members from the INVASION prayed for him, his ear opened up! He was so thankful that he dedicated his life to the Lord Jesus who healed him!

God is so good and rich in mercy. Pictured with David, is a woman named Victoria. She shared how she was demonized for so many years and could not get free. As David and other team members listened to her story, it broke their hearts to hear of the abuse she had suffered. As a result, she went to witch doctors and tarot card readers to find relief from her torment. These only worsened her outcome. The name of Jesus and His Blood have power to deliver. David helped her deal with each torment one by one through forgiveness and the Lord’s power. The bonds of unforgiveness and witchcraft were broken and Victoria was set free! David then baptized her and she rejoiced in her new found freedom!

“…He has sent me to heal the brokenhearted,
to preach deliverance to the captives…

 Luke 4: 18-19

There were 210 young people who stayed at the IHI for our annual youth camp. The students came ready to go to another level with God. The first day, we opened up with a message of reconciliation with our heavenly Father, by Pastor Ernesto Ramirez. This message set the stage for the camp as the Holy Spirit kept the theme going with each speaker. Pastor Sergio Cisneros, brought the story home through the message of reconciliation of the prodigal son, older brother and the LOVING FATHER.

Afterwards, these young people had an encountered with the heavenly Father on another level, who healed their wounds! Many were filled with the Holy Spirit as the Lord poured out His love on them. During the evenings, the “Apostles of Rap” and “Conquistando Fronteras” held worship concerts in the “Harvesters Auditorium” and an additional 600 more youth were ministered to and touched by the Lord. Altogether, over 800 youth were blessed! 

Classes will begin September 4th at the International Harvesters Institute. Please pray for our students who will be joining us from all over Mexico. We offer classes in the evening as well as day time classes.  We also have pastors and church leaders aking our classes by zoom, as well as other students.

Please pray to the Lord of harvest to continue to send us laborers to be trainded for this great end-time Harvest!

Dear VCH Partner, 

The Bible tell us “We are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places” Ephesians 6:12 NLT

We can see the enemy is fighting harder to take the next generation down. Before our eyes, Satan has his sights on the youth and children today more than ever. God and our identity in Him is what is lacking today! The “famine” of the Word of God has caused this great confusion that we are seeing. Children world-wide are being  targeted, as even here in Mexico, the schools are being influenced by the current agenda assault on children. VCH continues to focus on the battle for souls. We know that the fight in this End-Time Harvest is not against any human being. We are privileged to be able to train end-time laborers in the harvest fields. In the 14 days from July 22 to August 5, with our IHI graduates, staff and students, we have ministered the Gospel to 9,867 people and have seen 6,346 salvation commitments to Christ! All of this is made possible through your faithful support and the training we are able to provide at the IHI Bible School! Every month it cost $20,000 to run the International Harvesters Institute and our donations for the bible school are always less. The IHI is the hub of our ministry where we see these great results! Please pray about how you can sponsor the IHI.

As we make a stand together,

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July 2023 Newsletter

July 2023 Newsletter

We thank God for His amazing Grace that carries us through each day. We are thankful for what He has done in the past and for His glory, we look forward to what lies ahead! -Philippians 3:13VCH held an incredible Mexico mission trip to Nuevo Laredo, Mexico from June...

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